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Helping women, men, and families recover after an abortion decision


Your first step is simply to tell someone. The road to freedom and healing starts by simply sharing your story with someone who cares. That's why we're here. No matter what your story is, you will always be met with compassion and a listening ear.

For dates and times for our after-abortion support programs, or to schedule individual counseling, please call our center for more information. All calls and classes are confidential. 


Emotional and Psychological Pain

Post-abortion stress syndrome is the residual emotional and psychological pain resulting from abortion. The burden of carrying the secret of abortion can be overwhelming leaving you feeling vulnerable, alone, and helpless. You are not alone.

Symptoms of PASS

  • Anxiety / Depression

  • Guilt

  • Emotional Numbness

  • Sexual problems or promiscuity

  • Eating Disorders

  • Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse

  • Lowered self-esteem

  • Intense grief/sadness

  • Difficulty with relationships

  • Uncomfortable around babies or pregnant women

  • Nightmares/sleep disturbance

  • Anger / Rage


Are you experiencing trauma from a past abortion? If you are still not sure, answer the questions below.

  • Do you lack the freedom to share your abortion experience with others?

  • Do you avoid the subject of abortion because you feel like people will see it written across your forehead?

  • Do you expect bad things to happen to you as punishment for your abortion?

  • Do you engage in self-punishing attitudes and behaviors?

  • Do you feel like the good promises of God are for other people and not you?

  • Do you feel like your relationships (or friendships) with men are unhealthy?

  • As a woman, do you feel like your friendships with other women lack depth & authenticity?

  • Do you feel you are all alone with the emotional pain you are feeling?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are one of the thousands of women who are suffering silently. You are worthy of healing. You are not alone.


No matter how you may be processing your abortion or the abortion of someone you care about, talking about it in a safe and confidential space can be healing. The Pregnancy Help Center offers several options for Post-Abortion Recovery Care. There is Hope After Abortion.

In-Person Group Sessions


Mondays or Wednesdays

12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

In-Person Private Session


Case-by-Case Basis

Contact us at for more information

"Thirty-eight years ago I made a decision that affected my life in ways I didn’t realize until God lead me to the PHC…the journey to freedom from my abortion began the day I walk through the door to become a client advocate.

God had a plan. God knew I wasn’t completely healed from the trauma of my abortion. I thought I had really dealt with it BUT I hadn’t…there was still shame, regret, and pain I needed to deal with. I had placed all the hurt in a box and put it on a shelf…out of sight, out of mind…but it was always lurking around the corners of my life.

Then my precious sister in Christ asked me if I would like to do a Bible study on healing after abortion…I jumped at the chance…it was time to pull down the dusty box of hurt and open it with my Heavenly Father and together we walked through it to the place of healing…the scar is still there but it has been cleaned out and disinfected with the blood of Christ!"


Post-Abortion Recovery Client

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