Profesional. Confidencial.
Estamos Aqui Para Ti
El Centro de Ayuda al Embarazo ofrece varios servicios gratuitos y de apoyo para beneficiar a las madres embarazadas y sus familias en el área del Condado de Brazoria. Por más de 30 años, el PHC ha servido a más de 47,000 personas. Usted no tiene que pasar por los desafíos del embarazo o la crianza de los hijos sola.e.
What if my boyfriend or parents call to see if I have/had an appointment?The Pregnancy Help Center has a strict privacy and confidentiality policy. All clients are protected from disclosure of information that violates your privacy except where required by law. (Please contact the center if you have questions regarding this.) Additionally, scheduling an appointment at the PHC does not require parental consent.
Can I bring a support person or my child/children to my appointment?We welcome you to bring your partner, a family member, or a friend. However, due to confidentiality, your support person will only be allowed to join you for certain portions of your appointment. Your support person will need to bring a photo ID. We encourage you to make other arrangements for children but understand that is not always possible. You do not have to cancel or reschedule an appointment if you need to bring your child/children.
I am under 18. Do I need to bring a Parent or do I have to have parental consent?No, the law states that you do not need parental consent or to have a parent with you at your appointment.
Do you do blood pregnancy tests?The Pregnancy Help Center provides medical grade urine-based pregnancy tests free of charge. They are administered by a licensed medical provider. Results are provided quickly and in a private and confidential manner.
My at-home pregnancy tests are negative, but can I still be pregnant?Yes. A pregnancy may be detected as early as 7-10 days after conception. The pregnancy hormone HCG doubles every 2-3 days during early pregnancy, so it is important that your test is confirmed by a licensed medical professional. However, up to 25% of women naturally miscarry before they even know they are pregnant.
A friend told me you talk about God?We hope that you find our care and concern for you and your challenges as a reflection of God’s deep love for you. Regardless of your religious beliefs or non-beliefs, you will be provided professional, loving, and respectful care.
Nuestros Servicios y Apoyo Gratuitos Incluyen:
¿Qué debo esperar?
Uno de los miembros de nuestro personal le dará la bienvenida y le guiará a través de los trámites. Le pedimos que traiga un documento de identidad con fotografía , ya que haremos una copia para guardarla con su documentación. A continuación, recibirá los siguientes servicios gratuitos en su primera cita:
Un profesional médico autorizado le realizará una prueba de embarazo en orina con calidad de laboratorio y le comentará los resultados, así como cualquier pregunta médica que pueda tener. En ese momento, determinará si puede realizarse una ecografía limitada en esta cita o si tendrá que programar una fecha en el futuro.
Educación e Información
Una defensora del cliente se reunirá con usted para hablar de su plan y de las opciones que tiene para su embarazo. Si no ha tomado una decisión, le informará sobre todas sus opciones y le proporcionará los programas y recursos que ofrece el PHC y/o otros socios de la comunidad.
Defensores Masculinos
Además, si has traído a tu cónyuge, a tu novio o a un amigo varón, habrá un defensor que le ayudará a entender su papel, le escuchará, le ofrecerá consejo y hablará de los temas relacionados con el embarazo.
What if my boyfriend or parents call to see if I have/had an appointment?The Pregnancy Help Center has a strict privacy and confidentiality policy. All clients are protected from disclosure of information that violates your privacy except where required by law. (Please contact the center if you have questions regarding this.) Additionally, scheduling an appointment at the PHC does not require parental consent.
Can I bring a support person or my child/children to my appointment?We welcome you to bring your partner, a family member, or a friend. However, due to confidentiality, your support person will only be allowed to join you for certain portions of your appointment. Your support person will need to bring a photo ID. We encourage you to make other arrangements for children but understand that is not always possible. You do not have to cancel or reschedule an appointment if you need to bring your child/children.
I am under 18. Do I need to bring a Parent or do I have to have parental consent?No, the law states that you do not need parental consent or to have a parent with you at your appointment.
Do you do blood pregnancy tests?The Pregnancy Help Center provides medical grade urine-based pregnancy tests free of charge. They are administered by a licensed medical provider. Results are provided quickly and in a private and confidential manner.
My at-home pregnancy tests are negative, but can I still be pregnant?Yes. A pregnancy may be detected as early as 7-10 days after conception. The pregnancy hormone HCG doubles every 2-3 days during early pregnancy, so it is important that your test is confirmed by a licensed medical professional. However, up to 25% of women naturally miscarry before they even know they are pregnant.
A friend told me you talk about God?We hope that you find our care and concern for you and your challenges as a reflection of God’s deep love for you. Regardless of your religious beliefs or non-beliefs, you will be provided professional, loving, and respectful care.
Preguntas Comunes
Una defensora del cliente se reunirá con usted para hablar de su plan y de las opciones que tiene para su embarazo. Si no ha tomado una decisión, le informará sobre todas sus opciones y le proporcionará los programas y recursos que ofrece el PHC y/o otros socios de la comunidad.
Además, si has traído a tu cónyuge, a tu novio o a un amigo varón, habrá un defensor que le ayudará a entender su papel, le escuchará, le ofrecerá consejo y hablará de los temas relacionados con el embarazo.